Call Adviceline:
0808 278 7809

Citizens Advice Havant

Free, Confidential & Impartial


How can we help?

Getting advice couldn't be easier, Citizens Advice Havant provides free, confidential and impartial advice in a variety of ways.

Click on the Advice Options drop-down to see the various subjects you can view online now.

Quick Links

Domestic abuse or violence is a crime. Please Call 999 if it’s an emergency or you’re in immediate danger.

Call for Advice

Call Adviceline on:

0808 278 7809


Monday to Friday
9:00 – 17:00

Local Adviceline Number

0808 278 7809

Your call will still be answered by our Havant advisers or local Citizens Advice advisers in our Hampshire / Berkshire local area.

We will try to direct your call to a local adviser if one is available.

Email Advice

Please use this form to access our advice service via email. Please include as much information as possible as this will help us answer your enquiry more effectively.

Please include :

  • Dependent Children (if any)
  • Relationship, Single, Married, Living with partner
  • Receipt of any benefit
  • How urgent is your issue? Have you received any information threatening action such as court appearance, eviction etc.

Our main Advice form system is being updated; if your issue is complex, it may be easier for you to call Adviceline and discuss your issue with one of our trained and qualified advisers.

We are sorry but this form is temporarily offline. Please call Advice Line on 0808 2787809

A branch of Citizens Advice Solent East. Charity Registration number: 1039776. Company limited by guarantee.

Company Registration number: 2946921 England.

Registered Office: Units 2-3 Ark Royal House, Winston Churchill Avenue, Portsmouth, PO1 2GF.

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – FRN: 617699. OISC registration number F202200085

Copyright © Commercial Intelligence Ltd 2025